L'orto di Bruno [Bruno's Vegetable Garden]

What's been happening in Bruno's vegetable garden lately?

If you are new to this blog I suggest you start reading from the Introduction onwards.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

On Hiatus Over Winter

This will be the last regular weekly post to my gardening blog for a little while. Work and other demands mean that I won't be able to spend as much time in the garden as I'd like :( . Therefore I won't have much to write about.

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into my gardening (and this blog) in time for next Spring.

In the meantime, I may occasionally post reflective entries looking back at what's gone on in my garden in the past few months.

Bye for now, and thanks for visiting.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Tomato Plants Uprooted!

In the past week I finished the slightly sad task of uprooting the remaining tomato plants in the garden. One solitary "Costoluto di Marmande" plant is left growing in a pot. Soon I will have to start buying tomatoes from the grocery store again.

The capsicum plants still look healthy. I picked a couple last week.

In other garden news, the mandarines are starting to ripen. Some lemons are also coming along. Birds have almost wiped out my persimmons. And the lack of rain has meant very few feijoas this year.

To view the latest photos, click on the links below:
The space formerly occupied by the tomato plants (week 33)
The aubergines and capsicums (week 27 after transplanting)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Last Days of the Tomato Plants

The unseasonably warm April continued almost until the end of the month. In some ways I don't regret not planting any winter crops yet, because it still feels like summer.

Yesterday I began pulling out the tomato plants growing in the main garden area. The plants lasted about seven and a half months, so I can't complain. They produced fruit for four months, yielding about 120 tomatoes, averaging one per day. I guess that means one less photo to take each week. Hopefully the two remaining "Costoluto di Marmande" plant growing in pots will keep going for a little while.

The capsicum plants are still looking healthy and producing fruit. The aubergines. on the other hand, look like a lost cause. They aren't producing much fruit, and when they do, insects attack before the fruit matures. Next year I think I'll stick to tomatoes and capsicums.

To view the latest photos, click on the links below:
The tomatoes (week 32)
The aubergines and capsicums (week 26 after transplanting)