L'orto di Bruno [Bruno's Vegetable Garden]

What's been happening in Bruno's vegetable garden lately?

If you are new to this blog I suggest you start reading from the Introduction onwards.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tomato Seedlings, Part 2

I saw some seedlings at the supermarket and decided I'd buy a few as insurance in case my uncle's seedlings suffer the same fate as last year's. I bought a mixture of varieties:
* 1x Roma
* 1x Tickled Pink
* 1x Beef Steak
* 4x Acid Free

Today I planted them in the middle of bed #2 (refer map). I spaced them out a bit more too.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tomato Seedlings, Part 1

Today my uncle, Zio Pasquale, brought over some tomato seedlings. I'd already prepared bed #2 (refer map) by removing grass and weeds, tilling the soil and mixing in some "blood and bone".

Three rows of seedlings, approximately 21 plants, went in at the northern end of the garden bed. Some looked a bit withered, so I may need to replace them later if they don't take.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Various Plantings

Today (Sep 23) I planted various seeds in bed #3 (refer map).

* Basil
* Dill
* Chives
* Lettuce
* Tomato
* Aubergine
* Oregano

I'm not expecting them all to germinate, so anything that comes up will be a gift.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Plantings - Early September

I'm going to start using this blog more like a simple diary of plantings and other major events. Entries may be back-dated to the time of the events, to keep things in chronological order and to facilitate comparison in future seasons.

"Today" I planted some seeds directly into the ground with very little special preparation. Specifically: basil, oregano, dill and chives seeds were scattered randomly in garden bed #3 (refer map) underneath a peach tree.

Friday, September 01, 2006

My Garden Beds

I have several garden beds in my backyard. Below is a simple overview diagram, with South at the top (I live in Australia :)

|{Fig Tree}| {Olive Tree}| |{Persimmon} |{Mandarine} |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| BED #1 | BED #2 | BED #3 | BED #4 | BED #5 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | {Peach} | | {Lemon}|
| {lawn}
| {Apricot Tree}
| {Plum Tree}
|{Olive Tree}
| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| | |
| | H O U S E |
| | |