L'orto di Bruno [Bruno's Vegetable Garden]

What's been happening in Bruno's vegetable garden lately?

If you are new to this blog I suggest you start reading from the Introduction onwards.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Spring Season, 2005 - A Sad Retrospective

It's been well over a year since I last posted to this blog. The main reasons were a lack of time and not much to say.

After the success of the Spring planting season in 2004, I had high hopes for 2005. I'd grown my own tomato seedlings from the seeds saved the previous year. And my uncle once again gave me some tomato seedlings. These were planted, but failed to grow properly. I followed the advice of planting in a different area. The plants grew to less than half the height of the previous year's crop, and very little fruit emerged. My uncle experienced a similar problem, so perhaps the seedlings were diseased, or the varieties were not hardy enough. Ironically the best tomato plants in my garden last season had actually grown "in the wild", possibly from seeds scattered by birds or the wind.

More success was had with the Basil plants I grew, but without home-grown tomatoes it was rather moot. Parsley and spinach seemed to have very little problem propogating by themselves.

I'm trying again this Spring. I should have a bit more time this year, and I hope to post more often to this blog. But I doubt that I'll be taking any photos unless I buy a new digital camera. The old one (an Apple QuickTake 150 from 1998!) still works but the process of transferring them to my primary computer is too time consuming.