L'orto di Bruno [Bruno's Vegetable Garden]

What's been happening in Bruno's vegetable garden lately?

If you are new to this blog I suggest you start reading from the Introduction onwards.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Finally Some Rain

The weather was milder this week. Some much needed rain fell on Wednesday night.

Lately I've been picking two or three tomatoes per day. Last post I mentioned that I picked one tomato, "Big Red", that weighed in at 600g. Today I've included a photo of that tomato, along with a few smaller ones for comparison. I've started saving tomato seeds for next year.

A couple of the capsicum plants now have some fruit growing. The largest aubergine plant also has had it's first flower turn into a tiny eggplant.

To view the latest photos, click on the links below:
The tomatoes (week 18)
Big Red, with some smaller siblings and other objects for comparison
The aubergines and capsicums (week 12 after transplanting)
An aubergine plant with tiny fruit
A capsicum plant with fruit
The basil seedlings (week 11 after transplanting)