L'orto di Bruno [Bruno's Vegetable Garden]

What's been happening in Bruno's vegetable garden lately?

If you are new to this blog I suggest you start reading from the Introduction onwards.

Saturday, September 18, 2004


Welcome to my garden weblog.

With Australian spring approaching I decided to take up a hobby which has been in both sides of my family for centuries: growing vegetables in the backyard. There is a lot of satisfaction from growing your own food. If I end up saving some money, then that's a bonus.

The title of the blog "L'orto di Bruno" means "Bruno's vegetable garden" in Italian. I chose that title for several reasons. Firstly, the word "orto" is shorter than "vegetable garden" or even "vege patch", meaning the url containing it would be shorter. The title also lends itself to the type of things I'll be growing, which are typical for an Italian vegetable garden.

The purpose of this blog is to document the progress of the vegetable garden, allowing friends and former work colleagues to be kept informed. I intend posting weekly updates, but I will mostly rely on photos.

I'm still learning the ropes. My uncle, Zio Pasquale Furina, has kindly offered to help me get things started with seedlings and beans. He will also provide ongoing advice.